Mrs. Chester's 5th Grade Page

  • I have been an educator for more than 20 years. I have the support of my wonderful husband, Marty, and my two adult children, Trey and Grace. Trey has a logistics degree from Georgia State University and Grace has a degree from UGA and a medical degree from South Medical College of Tennessee. Our entire family knows the value of a solid education. I look forward to learning with my fifth grade students this year at DES!


    23-24 Class Schedule:

    7:50-10:20 Chester ELA Session

    10:25 - Specials: M /W - PE - wear athletic shoes

                                T - Computer/ Band

                                 Th - Art

                                 F - Music/ Band

    11:15 - Recess/RR/H2O

    11:40 - Lunch/RR

    12:10 - 2:20 Chester Math/Science Session with Hendricks

    2:20 - 2:50 Chester Social Studies Session 



Phone: 7705840258


Degrees and Certifications:

Master's in Education

Mrs. Chester

I have been an educator for more than 20 years. I have the support of my wonderful husband, Marty and my two adult children, Trey and Grace. Trey has a logistics degree from Georgia State University and Grace has a degree from UGA and a medical degree from South Medical College of Tennessee. Our entire family knows the value of a solid education. I look forward to learning with my fifth grade students this year at DES!