Phone: 770-504-2310 ext. 3209


Degrees and Certifications:

Concerning these courses, I am certified in "Business Education". I also am certified in "Science" (6-12)

Mr. Ryan R. Rigsby

Hello & welcome to the
HMS technology department.

I love learning and teaching students
about the unlimited possiblities
that technology has to offer !

This is my 18th year
teaching at HMS
& I have loved 
every year of it !!

Grade Level Technolgy Listing
* 6th - Keyboarding
* 7th - Coding
* 8th - Career Development

I look forward
to challenging your child
according to their grade level !!!

Bitmoji Classroom

Rigsby Morph
  • Improving your keyboard speed can ONLY help you in your future career !!!  
    Almost every career
    has SOME aspect
    of keyboarding skill required !

Wash your hands frequently & practice social distancing !!!
  • Computer coding is one of the fastest growing markets of technology !!!

    Computer coding is designed
    for today's techie generation !!!

  • Car. Path.

    Career Development
    start NOW in pursuing the job of your dreams !!!

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