- Butts County School System
- Central Registration
Teaching and Learning
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Welcome to Central Registration!
Our office is located at 218 Woodland Way, Jackson Georgia 30233
Online Registration is open for all grades. You may complete the application online through our Online Registration Portal or with computers that are available in our office.
All documents must be presented in person. Click here to make an appointment. Please see the Registration Process and Requirements page for more information.
New student enrollments, including re-enrollments of students who have previously withdrawn from Butts County Schools, are completed through the Butts County School's Board of Education.
Parents/guardians residing in Butts County, Georgia are required to complete an application.
All applications are reviewed in the order they are received. After submitting the online registration, you will receive an email with your application status and further instructions.
Contact Us
(770) 504-2300
218 Woodland Way, Jackson, GA
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm